Health & Safety Information

*Notification is emailed to each enrolled student and employee semesterly (fall/spring)

*Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

34 CFR 86.100 34 CFR Part 86

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) requires that DBU notify each student and employee of its programs to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. Dallas Baptist University has several programs to combat the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other chemical substances. Consumers may click the link below to view the DBU 2020-21 Biennial Report/Committee Review or contact Jeremy Dutschke, Ph.D. Associate Vice President for Administrative Affairs for a written copy or additional information.

DBU Drug Free Schools and Communities Act – Biennial Report 2023-2024

Note: Students who enroll or employees who are hired after the annual distribution must receive the notification information. A copy of the of the DBU Biennial Report/Review is available upon request. Please contact Jeremy Dutschke, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Administrative Affairs for a written copy or additional information.

*Security Report (Including Crime Statistics, Timely Warnings and Emergency Notification, Crime Log, and Emergency response and Evacuation Procedures)

34 CFR 668.41(a)34 CFR 668.41(e)34 CFR 668.4634 CFR Part 668 Subpart D, Appendix AHandbook for Campus Crime Reporting

A statement of policy regarding missing student notification procedures, as required by 34 CFR 668.46(h).

34 CFR 668.41(a)34 CFR 668.41(e)34 CFR 668.4634 CFR Part 668 Subpart D, Appendix A

The University Police Department prepares an official annual security and fire report (ASR) each year and provides an email notification to all enrolled students, faculty, and staff that provides information about the website location and how to access the Annual Security Report. All consumers, prospective students, and employees may access the ASR on the DBU website or obtain a copy from the University Police Department, located on the first floor of the John G. Mahler Student Center or by calling (214) 333-5555.

*Timely Warning and Emergency Notification

Dallas Baptist University, in a manner that is timely and that withholds as confidential the names and other identifying information of victims, as defined in section 40002(a)(20) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (U.S.C.13925(a)(20)) will aid in the prevention of similar crimes and report appropriate activity to the campus community. The full text of the Annual Security Report (ASR) can be located on our main website. You can also directly link to the ASR site at our University Police website.

*Crime Log

The Dallas Baptist University Police Department maintains a written daily crime log that records what is reported to the campus police or the campus security department. The Daily Crime and Fire Log that is on display in the Police Department, withheld under the standards of the CLERY Act and is updated daily by Telecommunications Supervisor.

The crime log, for the most recent 60-day period, is open to public inspection during normal business hours. Any portion of the log older than 60 days can be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

*Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

The Dallas Baptist Police Department maintains a statement of policy regarding emergency and response evacuation in the annual security report (ASR). Documenting for each test a description of the exercise, the date, time, and whether it was announced or unannounced.

*Security Report- Missing Person Notification Policy

34 CFR 668.41(a)34 CFR 668.46(b)(14)34 CFR 668.46(h)

The Dallas Baptist University Police provide a statement of policy regarding missing student notification procedures for students who reside in on-campus housing in its annual security report (ASR).

*Security Report- Programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking Policy

34 CFR 668.46(b)(11)34 CFR 668.46(j) As required by 34 CFR 668.46(b)(11)

The Dallas Baptist University Policy maintain a statement of policy that addresses the school’s programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Information found in the Annual Security Report is only a portion of DBU’s Title IX policy. For the full policy, go to DBU’s Title IX Policy, Procedures and Resources webpage.

*Institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking

34 CFR 668.46(k)

The Dallas Baptist University Policy maintain a statement of policy that addresses the procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking

Information found in the Annual Security Report is only a portion of DBU’s Title IX policy. For the full policy, go to DBU’s Title IX Policy, Procedures and Resources webpage.

*Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings

As required in 34 CFR 668.46 (b)(11)(vi),

Dallas Baptist University’s Title IX, Procedures and Resources Policy maintains Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings. Title IX Coordinator, Ashlee Kamosky, is responsible for implementing these policies across the campus, and along with DBU’s ACTS (Advocates for Campus Trust and Safety) Committee, investigates any complaints of sexual assault or discrimination. For additional information, Consumers may reach out to Ashlee Kamosky Title IX Coordinator, Office: Pilgrim Chapel 205A, or call (214) 333-7286 (office).

*Fire Safety Report

34 CFR 668.41(a)34 CFR 668.41(e)34 CFR 668.49Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting

The DBU Fire Safety Report is distributed annually to all current students, faculty, and staff members of Dallas Baptist University. The report is also available for prospective students and employees on the DBU website at security. The annual fire safety report, is available on October 1 of each year, and contains University Police, Campus Security, and University Housing policies, procedures, and statistics regarding fires, fire safety, and fire safety education in student housing for the previous calendar year. The DBUPD will provide a paper copy upon request. The University Police Department may be contacted on the first floor of the John G. Mahler Student Center or by calling (214) 333-5555.

*Fire Log

34 CFR 668.49(d)

The Dallas Baptist University Police Department maintains a written daily fire log that records what is reported to the campus police or the campus security department. The Fire Log is kept in the Police Department and is updated daily by Telecommunications Supervisor.

The report is distributed annually to all current students, faculty, and staff members of Dallas Baptist University and is open for public Inspection. The report is also available for prospective students and employees on the DBU University Police website. The annual fire safety report, available on October 1 of each year, contains University Police, Campus Security, and University Housing policies, procedures, and statistics regarding fires, fire safety, and fire safety education in student housing for the previous calendar year. DBU monitors fire activity in the surrounding geographic area as recorded by the Dallas Fire Department.