Life on Campus
There is always so much going on at DBU - whether you love having a full social calendar, are wanting to catch every big game, or prefer hanging out with your closest friends, there's a place for you here!

Student Life
Events and traditions begin on Move-In Day and last your entire time as a Patriot! From Homecoming to Spring Sing and everything in between, you’ll always have something fun around the corner.

Spiritual Life
While faith impacts every part of your college experience, DBU also has dedicated events and programs for your spiritual development! From conferences put on by the BSM to opportunities for mentorship and so much more, we pray that your years at DBU will be marked by spiritual growth.

No matter the season, there are always Patriots to cheer on to victory! Head to our Athletics website for more on your favorite sports!

Student Organizations
Passionate about a particular area of service? Is your Senior Superlative "Most Likely to Join ALL The Clubs?" Just looking for a place to make great friends? Read about the Student Groups to explore at DBU and maybe consider joining one of our many Student Organizations! Check them all out here!
- Dallas Baptist Music Educators
- DBU Business Society
- DBU Student Counseling Organization
- Kinesiology Club
- Phi Alpha Theta History Society
- Sigma Tau Delta
- Student Education Association
Alpha Delta Kappa | @alphadeltakappa
Alpha Epsilon Chi | @alphaepsilonchi
Chi Theta Alpha | @chithetaalpha
Delta Theta | @deltatheta_
Kappa Gamma | @dbukappagamma
Sigma Chi Eta | @sigmachieta
Zeta Chi | @dbuzetachi
Beta Beta | @dbubetabeta
Rho Lambda Chi | @rholambdachi
Pi Theta Tau | @pithetatau
Psi Omega Phi | @psiomegaphi
Tau Alpha Phi | @taualphaphifraternity
- Alpha Chi National Honor Society
- Alpha Sigma Lambda
- Alpha Sigma Omega
- Delta Mu Delta International Business Honor Society
- Kappa Pi International Art Honor Society
- Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honor Society
- Omicron Delta Kappa
- Phi Beta Delta International Study Abroad Honor Society
- Pi Kappa Lambda Fine Arts Honor Society
- Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society
- Theta Alpha Kappa
- Tri Beta Biology Honor Society
- Pro-Life Patriots
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Government Association | @dbustugov
- African Student Union
- Amorem Omnes
- Black Student Union
- Brazilian Student Association
- Diverse City
- Enactus
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Gospel Choir
- International Chinese Fellowship
- International Justice Mission
- Korean Student Association
- Organization of Latin American Students
- Patriot Games
- Patriot Swing Dance
- South Asian Student Association
- South East Asian Student Organization
- The Regiment
- Wilberforce Campus Chapter
- Baptist Student Ministry
- Christian Legal Society
- Mu Kappa Alpha - Missionary Kids Alliance