Documentation Questions

The following is a series of common questions that relate closely with the required professional portfolio documentation. If you have questions that are not addressed below, please refer those to your course instructor.

What if my company's security policy is such that they will not allow their name to be printed on my documentation?

You can simply white-out the employer's name and explain the circumstances in your letter to the evaluators. The evaluators will understand the situation.

Do I need to provide a document for each key point in the petition?
The Guidebook states that two pieces for each petition (and the autobiography and resume) are a minimum. You don't necessarily need a piece for each topic.
I am having problems in locating information that would support my petitions. Most of the training that I have obtained came from a previous employer that I am unable to contact. What other items could be used to support my petitions?
Any training certificates, manuals, or materials would work well. Also, try to obtain a record of your training from your employer...if you cannot get it from them, create a sheet listing the courses and dates. Otherwise, any work samples you might have or can obtain should suffice.
Can we use color copies for our documentation, or should they be black and white?
Color copies are acceptable.