Institutional Effectiveness and Research (IER)

Mission and Goals

The primary purpose of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research is to advance the University’s mission by providing leadership and support in the development and implementation of a continuous cycle of assessment and evaluation of academic programs and administrative/academic support departments in order to ensure quality and sustained improvement across the University.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research is committed to the following goals:
  1. Assisting University academic and administrative/academic support units in the integration of planning and evaluation processes that leads to an ongoing and comprehensive practice in all University activities.
  2. Supporting the University Institutional Effectiveness and Research Committee in incorporating a systematic review of its programs and services directed toward continual improvement and the effective accomplishment of the University's mission.
  3. Providing training and resources to the University Assessment Advisory Committee to support the goal of promoting use of rigorous assessment and data analysis which leads to continuous improvement in student learning and departmental services.
  4. Serving as a channel for the flow of institutional information to and from all DBU units in order to support the ongoing quest for institutional effectiveness and research.
  5. Providing training and resources in annual reporting, program/department review, and assessment processes to involve every institutional unit.
  6. Supporting institutional effectiveness and research processes through development and training in robust online platforms and resources.
  7. Supporting the University's accreditation processes through maintenance and accurate reporting of institutional information, proofing, and other accreditation measures.


Rebecca Dark, Ph.D.
Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness
(214) 333-6951

Justin Gandy, Ph.D.
Assistant Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives
(214) 333-6840

Adelita Baker, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness
(214) 333-5515

Mindy Barrett
SACSCOC Staff Assistant

KatieJane Brashier
Curriculum and Accreditation Compliance Coordinator
(214) 333-6927

John McMahan 
Director of Catalog and Accreditation Technology
(214) 333-5961