Ed.D. in Educational Leadership Course Rotation
Year 1
8-week Session |
Course | Emphasis |
LEAD 7300 - Educational Foundations |
Core |
LEAD 7330/7360/7370/7380 - Academic Reading/Writing |
Concentration |
2 |
LEAD 7421 - Educational Research - Quant/Qual Part I |
Research |
8-week Session |
Course | Emphasis |
1 |
LEAD 7422 - Educational Research - Quant/Qual Part II |
Research |
2 |
LEAD 7111 - Dissertation I: Dissertation Topic/Purpose Statement |
Dissertation |
LEAD 7334/7364/7374/7384 - Intelligence in Leadership & Learning |
Concentration |
8-week Session | Course | Emphasis |
1 |
LEAD 7112 - Dissertation II - Prospectus Submission |
Dissertation |
Students will take one of the following depending on the student's concentration: LEAD 7332 - Cross Cultural Communication (Global) LEAD 7363 - Learning & Current Trends in NextGen Ministries (Ministry) LEAD 7372 - Higher Education Finance & Law (Higher Ed) LEAD 7382 - Professional Leadership Development (Org) |
Concentration |
LEAD 7303 - Theories of Human Development |
Core |
Year 2
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
Core | LEAD 7487 - Leadership Proposal Design | Campus 4 | Complete Proposal by May 1. |
Concentration | LEAD 7403 - Theories of Human Development |
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
Core | LEAD 7465/7475/7485 - Strategic Planning in Educational Ministry/Higher Education/Leadership | Campus 5 | Continued compilation of research literature from course content and independent research. |
LEAD 7441 - Quantitative Methods of Research |
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
Dissertation | LEAD 7405 - Theories of Learning (Service-Learning) | Seminars in Oxford, England | Committee work on Proposal. Submit for Methodology Review and Human Participants Review by August 10. |
Concentration | LEAD 7430/7431/7432 - Global Leadership in Educational Ministry/Higher Education/Leadership |
Year 3
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
LEAD 7050 - Leadership Comprehensive Exams | |||
Concentration | LEAD 7466/7476/7486 - Leading Change in Ministry Organizations/Higher Education Organizations/Leadership Organizations | Campus 6 | Proposal Defense during Fall Break. |
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
LEAD 8410 - Leadership Dissertation I (No campus seminar) |
Complete Dissertation and submit for Methodology Review by May 1. |
Emphasis | Course | Location | Dissertation Process |
LEAD 8420 - Leadership Dissertation II | Campus 7 | Dissertation Defense during Mid-Summer On-Campus Seminars. |