Master of Education in School Counseling
The Master of Education in School Counseling is a 48-hour, non-thesis program leading to the Texas School Counselor Certificate. The program is designed to meet or exceed the certification requirements for School Counselors as established by the State Board for Educator Certification.
More than an Education
The Master of Education in School Counseling prepares individuals to pursue the School Counselor Certificate in Texas. This program is designed to provide the framework for school counselor preparation and enhance the professional development of educators who are seeking a graduate degree in school counseling. Graduates of Dallas Baptist University's M.Ed. in School Counseling have a consistently high pass rate on the state certification exam for school counselors, and many of the school counselors currently employed in the Dallas/Fort Worth area are DBU Alumni.
Marked by Service
The curriculum prepares candidates to integrate the theories and practices of a comprehensive, developmental guidance and counseling program in a manner that supports the personal, social, academic, and career development of students within elementary, middle, and high school educational institutions. All the while the DBU graduate candidate gains the education and training needed to assume the role of a true servant leader.
Meet the M.Ed. in School Counseling Program Director
“My passion is to serve and support the students enrolled in our programs and arm them with a strong foundation that allows them to feel well-equipped and empowered, enabling each individual to serve their various communities as lights for Christ wherever their paths may lead them.”
- Dr. Debbye Garner
Program Director
(214) 333-6838

Program Details
Our program provides graduates with an exceptional approach to School Counseling and a course structure that differentiates Education professionals.
Additional M.Ed. in School Counseling Program Information
View DBU Graduate School’s admission requirements.
Admission to one graduate program does not guarantee admission to another. Applicants who show potential for graduate study but do not meet the criteria for Full Admission may be admitted for up to 12 hours under provisional status. Students admitted under Provisional Admission will be granted Full Admission upon successful completion of 12 credit hours and fulfillment of the conditions of their admission as determined by the Master’s Degrees Admission Committee.
Full Admission Requirements | International Admissions | Transfer Admissions
Alumni Testimonials

Katrina McGee
M.Ed. in School Counseling Graduate ('22)
Looking back at my decision to begin my journey at DBU, I considered educational standards, cost, location, and recommendations from other school counselors. The Master of Education in School Counseling program at DBU offered me the opportunity to challenge myself and learn in a supportive, caring environment. I am so grateful I chose DBU, and I am confident I received the best educational opportunities both online and face-to-face on campus.
When I consider the journey that began for me many years ago in education, I am reminded of the verse from Jeremiah 29:11, which is incidentally a motto for DBU: God has a plan. I can begin and end with this promise. I will never forget when I was preparing for the TExES School Counselor exam, and Dr. Bond handed our class a small sheet with the popular words adapted, “Keep Calm, God has a plan.” It was so impactful to me and reminded me God’s love has been leading me every step of this journey.
I am blessed to now have a position as a high school counselor in my neighborhood community. I can provide a comprehensive school counseling program that supports student growth academically, socially and emotionally, as well as student college, career, and military readiness. DBU has been my foundation. I am honored to be a DBU Alumni!

Sara Waller
School Counselor - Weatherford ISD, M.Ed. in School Counseling Graduate ('21)
I had never attempted to receive my master’s degree because I genuinely believed I was not smart enough. So, when God called me to pursue my master’s degree, you can imagine I did so out of obedience but with great fear. This fear paralyzed me at first as I struggled to write and study. With prayers from all my professors, I progressed through the program and broke that unhealthy thinking and belief about myself.
When I received my score after defending my degree, I cried. I fully realized that it was because of God and the staff at DBU that I had overcome an enormous misconception about myself and who God created me to be

Jennifer Lewandowski
M.Ed. in School Counseling Graduate ('19)
Going into a master’s program at DBU was a challenge because I struggled with my own confidence. I wondered if I was good enough or if I would be able to finish, which all stemmed from the roots of an uneducated family. I am also a single mother, so I doubted that I would be able to juggle the responsibilities of my children, household, and schooling at the same time. The beautiful thing about being at a university where you can express your faith is that our professors prioritized our reliance on the Lord first and foremost.
My advisor prayed over us wholeheartedly and served us as a spiritual leader and mentor. Our classes were small and became like family. We lifted each other up and made sure no one was left behind. Now, having graduated, I know that I can still rely on my advisor as a mentor, resource, and encourager.
“I feel so blessed to spend these two years at DBU. Thank you to all the staff and my professors.
Your roles as servant-leaders deeply touched me.”
"My experience at DBU was truly inspiring. I was challenged in ways I never have been, and learned to spread my wings. I am truly a different person, and I am grateful for my time I spent at DBU."
“DBU is a blessing to me! The professors truly care about you. I had the opportunity to meet some great people on campus. I feel well-prepared to be a servant leader in my new position as a school counselor.”
“I am incredibly grateful for my experiences at DBU. I found the entire faculty to be insightful and supportive. I never felt like a number and knew I could reach out if I ever had questions. I’m proud to be a patriot!”
“Dallas Baptist University is a remarkably exceptional college. I will always remember my experiences at DBU. I have grown into a better person because of the professors and students at DBU.”
“I am grateful for God’s Word, professors, and friends I have met while getting my master’s degree.”
“My life has changed so much thanks to DBU. The School Counseling program has created in me a deeper desire to continue to grow closer to Christ as well as to be a servant leader in my community. I am forever thankful for my professors and the Program Director for believing in me.”
“DBU prepared me to take on the role as a school counselor and helped me reach another milestone in my life. Professors played a huge role in my journey to becoming a stronger Christian, student, and school counselor.”
“The professors and program director at DBU truly care about the students. They not only provide the knowledge and experience to be prepared as a school counselor, but they also share job opportunities and truly want you to succeed.”
“I am blessed to have received my education from DBU and will be forever grateful. My professors have been amazing and truly wanted to see me succeed. I am prepared to begin my new life as a school counselor. Thank you, DBU, for helping me achieve my dream.”
“Spiritual growth is a lifelong process and at DBU I was able to grow spiritually and professionally. While on this journey, it wasn’t always easy, but the love and support I received from the professors and my peers will forever be treasured because without them, I would not have been able to pursue my dream of becoming a counselor.”
- GAIL NEALE, Alumna
“The experience of graduate school has made an incredible impact on my life because of the fire that has been ignited in my heart. I have always had a desire to help others, but that has changed; it has now become a mission.”
“DBU has helped me prepare to be a school counselor and a better person. I have felt loved, cared for, and respected in terms of diversity. The professors are very helpful and dedicated in working with students to be successful. I feel truly blessed to have received my education at DBU.”
“I am so grateful for the experience, education and lifelong friendships I received from attending DBU. Dr. Bond and all of the professors supported me and encouraged me to succeed every step of the way. I would highly recommend the Master of Education in School Counseling program at DBU.”
“I am so thankful for my time at DBU in the School Counseling program. It has been a great program with teachers of excellence and experience. Dr. Bond is a godly example of a great teacher, mentor, and friend. I highly recommend the Master of Education in School Counseling program at DBU.”
“When I started the Master of Education in School Counseling program at DBU, I expected it to be challenging. I expected it to prepare me to move forward in my career. What I did not expect was to meet lifelong friends in the program. I did not expect the professors to be as supportive, understanding, and encouraging as they turned out to be. I am grateful for the experience I have had at DBU and definitely will encourage others to consider DBU and all it offers.”