Commissional Corner: Spring Graduates

The DBU campus in summertime in Dallas, Texas

The Master of Arts in Global Leadership program aims to develop strong servant leaders and provide a broader perspective on various capacities in Christian ministry. In May 2024, two students graduated with a Master of Arts in Global Leadership. William Horton and Glen (last name withheld) have shared their perspectives on the MAGL program and how it has equipped them for their future vocation.

Dr. Mark Alexander standing with William Horton

William Horton expressed that during his time in the MAGL program, the Lord provided for him at every turn. God has provided him with opportunities and begun to open doors into new seasons. He explained that God has placed the right friends and mentors in his life at the right times to help encourage and guide him through new circumstances.

When asked how the MAGL program has prepared him, William recalled, "The MAGL program helped me clarify my calling and understand how my ministry fits into the larger, global aim of the church in fulfilling the Great Commission." He plans to use the skills acquired from MAGL to re-launch the Baptist Student Ministry at Southern Methodist University. In the long term, he intends to pursue pastoral ministry and get involved in planting new churches in urban settings.

When asked what he would like to share with current MAGL students, William encouraged students to keep their minds on their end goals as they pursue their studies. He continued, "There will be times when the work will be fun and rewarding and times when the work will be difficult. But knowing that it is all for the end goal of reaching the lost and making Jesus' name known around the world makes it worthy of our greatest efforts!"

Glen mentioned that God has used the program to provide him with the knowledge he needs for the ministry he participates in at his church. He also noted that the program has facilitated cross-cultural friendships. Glen plans to use his skills to serve as a mission minister in Dallas and worldwide.

He said that the MAGL Program has equipped him with the knowledge of ESL. "I learned so much about teaching ESL through my classes at DBU. In many parts of the world, knowing English opens opportunities for higher-paying jobs and access to better education. I am passionate about equipping children and young adults with the skill of speaking English to improve their lives and bring change to their communities." He concluded, "I finally feel prepared to pursue this passion that God has given me. I am excited to see how he uses this passion and knowledge in my future for His Kingdom."

Glen encourages current MAGL students to take advantage of newly acquired skills and apply them to enhance their experience. "I learned so much from this degree, but it is even more beneficial if you do it with ministry service. While taking my missions classes, I also served on the mission team at my church and went on short-term mission trips. I loved learning about an idea in the online lecture and applying it the next day in a cross-cultural setting. I loved my coursework, but it was enriched by the opportunity to put it into practice. As you study for this degree, seek cross-cultural communities and opportunities because it will make your experience much more meaningful."

The MAGL program is very proud of the May 2024 graduates and cannot wait to see the wonderful things they do to impact the world for His Kingdom!

Written by The Graduate School of Ministry

The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.