DBU Tennis Team Ministers in Chile

While most college students were either relaxing or spending time with family during Fall Break, October 6-10, the Dallas Baptist University Tennis Team spent the week ministering to children in Chile.
"Chile was life-changing," said Meredith Robinson, a sophomore from Rowlett, Texas. "New oceans, new hearts coming to know Christ as their Savior, and new realizations of just how greatly God can use someone, even as broken as I am, to bring Him glory. God surpassed each and every expectation I had, grew me closer to my teammates, let me witness His amazing love in action, and blessed me with memories and lessons that will last the rest of my life."
The team arrived at the Amazing Grace School in La Serena, Chile, on Monday, October 6. For the next several days, the DBU students led morning devotions, taught English and shared testimonies in classes, and conducted tennis clinics for the native children. Jay Harley, Dean of Student Affairs and Spiritual Life at DBU, and his wife, Brittany, also trained local parents and Bible teachers on how to share Jesus with non-Christian friends and led two chapel services for the students of Amazing Grace School.
"Six students at Amazing Grace School accepted Christ after members of the tennis team presented the gospel," shared Jay Harley. "The leadership at Amazing Grace School told us they had been praying that this would be the year of spiritual harvest at their school and that God had brought the harvest with us. They also said they thought our group would do well with English teaching, but were so surprised and blessed by the spiritual component."
On Wednesday, October 8, the students were able to go sightseeing in the Elqui Valley, a peaceful area known for its beautiful mountain scenery, as well as a hydroponic farm located on the Rio Gabriela. That evening, the school hosted a party for their international guests as well as the local seniors and their parents. Early Thursday morning, the Patriots traveled to Santiago where they ministered to the youth group of the First Methodist Pentecostal Church before departing for Dallas on Friday.
"The mission trip to Chile was a life-changing trip for me," reflected Brandon Elliott, a freshman from Midland, Texas. "I have never been on a mission trip before, and I did not know what to expect. The way God worked and the harvest we got to see was life-changing. Jesus took over in that school, and I gained about 400 more brothers and sisters in Christ in a matter of four or five days. I am so thankful I got to go and be a part of what Jesus did in Chile. My heart is forever changed."
"Even though there was a language barrier that was frustrating at times, the kindness of the Chileans showed through," shared Cannon Jones, a freshman from Colleyville, Texas. "The love of God helped save lives by bringing them to Christ, but it was I who truly needed to be saved. I have never been so close to Christ."
This trip was part of Dallas Baptist University's Global Sports Mission Initiative, which provides opportunities for athletic students to share the love of Christ overseas. This marks the 13th mission trip sponsored by the DBU Athletic Department since the program was founded in 2007.
John Mark Miller is a former student worker for the President’s Office at Dallas Baptist University.