Center for Mentoring

headshot of Jon Pendergrass 

Jon Pendergrass
Phone: (214) 333-5295

Long before mentoring was our plan here at Dallas Baptist University, it was God’s plan for each of us. Proverbs 27:17 says that “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." The Center for Mentoring on our campus is here to help DBU students connect with those who can help them grow academically, spiritually, and professionally. I invite you to browse the resources on this site, and please visit our office or contact us if we can be of service.

Flash Mentor giving to mentee iconFlash Mentor

Flash mentoring is defined as a one-time meeting or discussion that enables an individual to learn and seek guidance from a more experienced person who can pass on relevant knowledge and experience. The purpose of flash mentoring is to provide a valuable learning opportunity for less experienced individuals while requiring a limited commitment of time and resources for more experienced individuals serving as mentors.

blue mentee speaking iconMentee

Flash Mentoring, also known as one-time mentoring, is a way for DBU students to leverage the mentor program and connect with DBU alumni. It’s a fantastic opportunity for a student mentee to explore a role, industry, or learn more about working abroad, getting an MBA, law school, leading a Church, or more!

Mentoring Testimonials

headshot of Brayan Orellana

Brayan Orellana

Alumnus ('24), Staff Member

DBU Housing Coordinator

"My time at DBU has had a profound impact on me. I have had the chance to meet numerous staff and faculty members who have provided me with immense wisdom both academically and spiritually. The mentors I’ve connected with have not only supported me during my undergraduate years but have continued to do so throughout my graduate studies and beyond. They have loved me when I was down and encouraged me when I needed it most."

headshot of Alexandria Figueroa

Alexandria Oldenburg

Alumna ('21) 

"Truly one thing that impacted and changed my faith the most was the Christ-centered education on campus but also the mentors and people that I had around me. The Lord has blessed me immensely with mentors who are Christ followers and point me back to Him."