10 Characteristics of Successful College Students

A college student is sitting on the library floor at a Christian college in Dallas, Texas

Students at Dallas Baptist University are some of the best prepared for life beyond the classroom. DBU's focus on Christian learning helps students cultivate their best selves during their time in college. For an even greater chance at achieving your post-graduation goals, here are some of the characteristics of the most successful college students, both in and out of the classroom.

Characteristics of Successful College Students

They Ask for Help

Many young adults get to college and assume this is their chance to be independent, meaning they have to forge a path alone. On the contrary, one characteristic of successful college students is the ability to ask for help. Reaching out to professors, peers, and mentors is one of the best ways to learn new things and develop strong networks in the process. In your post-college life, you'll need to work with a variety of people and ask for help when you've lost your way. Practicing this skill now will help you both in and out of the classroom.

They Prioritize God

Between classes, social events, and extracurricular activities, it can be easy to turn prayer routines and church attendance into once-a-week activities. Successful college students know that keeping a strong commitment to God is one of the best ways to stay on track for the rest of their lives. As Matthew 6:33 tells us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (ESV). Fortunately, DBU is here to support your spiritual life with chapel services during the week. Setting up a daily prayer routine with friends is another way to make sure God is first on your list.

They Explore Options

College is a time for adventure and exploration. Heading into school with a plan in mind is essential since it provides you with direction, but you should also be open to stepping outside of your comfort zone. You may discover your passion by attending a club meeting with a friend or taking a class outside of your usual interests. Taking risks in a safe environment is one of the best ways to grow.

They Make and Maintain Connections

While it is exciting to make new friends and branch out in college, successful students know that maintaining connections with family and friend networks back home is crucial. You'll need a community to ground you when you experience challenging times. You will also forge stronger new connections if your foundation with the old ones remains solid. Getting to know the faculty and staff is beneficial and helps build your network. The professors at DBU are always willing to meet with their students and help them succeed. There is room in your schedule and heart for old and new communities alike.

They Ask Questions

The most successful college students want to understand why something is important, exciting, or worthwhile. Rather than simply memorizing textbook pages or reciting back scripture, ask questions until you truly comprehend how the lesson relates to your life and world. Asking questions before attending class helps you feel more prepared and engaged with the material ahead. We are reminded in Proverbs 1:5 that "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." (ESV). In your classes, Bible study, and volunteer groups, seek to understand so that you may share your knowledge with others in the future.

They Have a Routine

Highly successful college students know that having a routine for their foundational tasks is essential. It can be easy to fill your day with student activities, social events, classes, and work. Then, before you realize it, you don't have time to study, meet with mentors, or talk with family. Creating a routine doesn't mean forgetting about spontaneity or exploration. Rather, it means you are unafraid to prioritize what's most important first. Make a routine for morning and night to ensure your days start and end on track with prayer and focus.

They Set Goals

Developing goals is essential for the short and long term. It can be tempting to choose a major and assume that's the only goal you need during college. Successful students know, however, that developing several long-term goals makes it easier to make short-term decisions. You will be faced with many choices during college, both in terms of time and values. Having goals helps you visualize which options best align with your plans. Mentors in your studies, at church, and in your clubs can help you develop goals for the short, medium, and long term if you're feeling stuck.

They Give Back

God's Word reminds us to give to others and share our gifts with the world. Pursuing your goals and deepening your knowledge are essential parts of college for many reasons, but one of the most important is your preparation for servant leadership. When you reach an obstacle or feel overwhelmed (as most college students do sometimes), your commitment to something beyond yourself will help get you back on track. At DBU, it's easy to connect with volunteer organizations that make giving back and ministering to others accessible.

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." - Hebrews 13:16 ESV

They Make Healthy Choices

Many college students find their newfound independence comes with the urge to try new things, such as sleep routines, diets, and social activities. Successful students remember that doing so should be balanced with healthy choices. Treating yourself with respect is central to walking closely with God and treating your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Eat right, get exercise, and make sure plans with friends don't leave you too sleep-deprived to focus on school.

They Are True to Themselves

Successful college students have an inner compass that helps them stay true to their values, direction, and passions. With so many options suddenly unfolding during college, it can be tempting to join the crowd and head in a direction that takes you away from your goals. Embrace your own strength and be confident in God's vision for you.

Try to live by these principles and ask God for continued guidance as you strive to be a successful college student.

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