BAM Resources

Below you will find resources that will inform and inspire you as you seek to learn more about BAM.

Business As Mission

What if the untapped business resources in the church globally were released for missional impact? What if more Christian business people were world-leaders at tackling global evils through business? The business as mission website is about connecting and resourcing businesses and business people to that end.

BAM Global

BAM Global is the new name for the BAM Global Think Tank. The Think Tank was founded in 2011 to open up an unprecedented forum for discussion, collaboration and networking on business as mission, amongst practitioners and thought-leaders from around the world. 

Mats Tunehag

Mats Tunehag writes about BAM from Biblical, historical, global, missiological and conceptual perspectives. He also gives an overview of the development of the modern-day global BAM movement.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur

An organization whose mission is to encourage, equip, empower, and support Christ-following entrepreneurially-minded people worldwide with world-class content and community.