Make the World your Classroom

Enjoy the opportunity to see the world, gain a new perspective, expand your worldview, and discover the wonders of God's Creation.

Explore what it's like to immerse yourself in another culture, become a part of the global community, and develop a deeper understanding of how Christians can engage the world.

Learn in the places where history was made! Have hands-on experiences that will enhance your learning. Become a global thinker and prepare to serve in today's global economy.
Travel with a purpose. Understand how God is calling you to serve in His kingdom by sharing God's love through service with an eternal footprint across the globe.
Student Testimonials
"Before the trip, history was daunting, but traveling from site to site and hearing our amazing professors give insightful lectures made me really enjoy history for the first time in my life; that sounds like a dramatic statement, but I really mean it!"
- Stephanie Kaiser
Rome & Athens Trip

“We traveled to several cities in Germany studying Martin Luther’s life, ministry, and theology during the Protestant Reformation. We learned so much about this period of history in the very places that it occurred. A group of professors, not just one, led the trip and lectured according to their expertise. Both of these aspects of our time in Germany bolstered my learning in a way that the classroom alone simply could not provide.”
- Justin Myers
Germany Trip
“God had called me to step out of my comfort zone and placed me in a different environment. The Summer Israel Institute trip impacted my faith and view of business through broadening my horizons! I recommend everyone to do some type of study abroad, especially with DBU. It's a life event worth accomplishing, and you won’t regret it!”
- Rachel Lengua
Israel Trip

“Learning about the founders of our nation and great thinkers of the time, whether sitting on the Harvard lawn or walking the streets of Boston, provided an incredible learning experience that brought academic learning to life. Even when the lectures ended, the learning never stopped!”
- Spencer Hamilton
Boston Trip