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advent lettering

Who Do You Say I Am?

Reflections on Jesus' titles throughout the Scriptures

Alpha & Omega

by Brooks Anthony, DBU Staff

Today's Reading

Revelation 1:8

We live in the realm of the finite, where there is a known beginning and a known end: we are born from our mother’s womb until we breathe our last. John, however, writes in his account in Revelation the perplexing truth that Jesus is the first and the last. This does not mean that he is at the definite beginning and definite ending in how we think about things, but that he is infinite—the Alpha and the Omega and everything in between.

There is so much comfort in this attribute of Jesus. He is the Alpha: he has always been. The Father, Son, and Spirit have always existed as the Triune God, and only at the foundations of the earth can we fathom a beginning, which they created. He is the Omega: he will always be. He will always exist in glory, and his death and resurrection while on earth have enabled and secured an eternal future for those who love Him. Along with the Lord being the Alpha, we know that His plan of redemption has been formed and begun to play out in the beginning of humanity.

Oftentimes, the spirit of Christmas is a seasonal celebration, and for good reason. The Savior of humanity came to earth in the lowest form, flipping on its head the idea of the Messiah. God in the flesh, Jesus, was born of a Virgin in a manger in Bethlehem. But this celebration and spirit of Christmas- Jesus’ beautiful birth- is often only celebrated during the Advent and Christmas season. But just as he is eternal and infinite, so should our celebration of his birth! From his birth in Bethlehem to His ascension to heaven, the finished work of Jesus reigns eternal. We know that as the Lord is the Omega, His plan of redemption will play out throughout the rest of eternity—God’s people dwelling with Him forever.

Nothing can defeat the one who was and is and is to come. He has accomplished all that we could never do, is accomplishing what we cannot do and will accomplish what we can never do. The enemies of Jesus have always failed and always will fail. The pain and torment inflicted upon Christ at His trial did not mean revenge from Christ but grace. The gruesome crucifixion inflicted at the cross was followed by a temporary silence. The stone rolled away and empty tomb meant the hope of Jesus is eternal.

As we continue through the season of Christmas and even beyond, we can rest in this truth of who Jesus is— He has always been and always will be. He has conquered evil and secured our freedom. He loves us eternally and has secured redemption for us. His birth is the introduction to our eternal hope, which He himself secured years later through an empty tomb.

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