Page 69 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

69 14 Penny Rue, “Make Way, Millennials, Here Comes Gen Z,” About Campus 23, no. 3 (2018): 7. 15 Claire Madden, Hello Gen Z: Engaging the Generation of Post-Millennials (Sydney, AUS: Hello Clarity, 2019), 113-14. 16 Ibid., 204-205; Indra Warnes, “Z is for Gen Z: The Kids Putting the World to Shame,” NewStatesman, December 31, 2019, accessed May 27, 2020, 17 Seemiller and Grace, A Century in the Making, 35. 18 Sean Lyons, Eddy Ng, and Linda Schweitzer, “Changing Demographics and the Shifting Nature of Career Implications for Research and Human Resource Development,” Human Resource Development Review 13, no. 2 (2014): 181-206; Eddy Ng and McGinnis J. Johnson, “Millennials: Who are They, How are They Different, and Why Should We Care?” in The MultiGenerational and Aging Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Ronald Burke, Cary Cooper, and Alexander-Stamatios Antoniou (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015), 122; Twenge, “A Review,” 206-7. 19 David Stillman and Jonah Stillman, Gen Z @ Work (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2017), 11. 20 Kevin M. Gandy, “Psychological Empowerment as Mediator between Servant Leadership and Generation Z Religious Engagement in Southwest England” (Ph.D. diss., Dallas Baptist University, 2019), 146. 21 Peter Benson, John Dehority, Lynn Garman, Elizabeth Hanson, Martha Hochschwender, Carol Lebold, Roberta Rohr, and Jane Sullivan, “Intrapersonal Correlates on Nonspontaneous Helping Behavior,” The Journal of Social Psychology 110 (1980): 87-95. 22 Dirk Matten and Jeremy Moon, “‘Implicit’ and ‘Explicit’ CSR: A Conceptual Framework for a Comparative Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility,” Academy of Management Review 33, no. 2 (April 2008): 405. 23 SAGE Brief Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2012), 9. 24 Ibid, 10. 25 Jenny Dawkins and Stewart Lewis, “CSR in Stakeholder Expectations: And Their Implication for Company Strategy,” Journal of Business Ethics 44 (May 2003): 185-193. FORMATIVE ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS OF GENERATION Z