Page 12 | Volume 2 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

12 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY meaning, meaning in work, religiousness, academic satisfaction, and a commitment to social justice.60 METHODOLOGY The current study employed a nonexperimental quantitative design to measure the presence of calling using the presence of calling subscales of the CVQ coupled with researcher-authored questions about students' perceptions of institutional support of calling development based on the type of institution attended.61 An independent samples t-test examined the presence of calling in students attending Christian institutions compared to those attending public colleges in the United States. A second independent samples t-test compared student perceptions of institutional support for calling development between the two groups. The current study employed a convenience sample of students recruited directly through social media who attended Christian and public institutions in the United States or graduated within the last year. Cohen recommended a minimum sample of 64 students per institutional type to compare calling presence and student perception of institutional influence with a medium effect size and an α = .05.62 A total of 250 students met the criteria and completed the survey. Of those 250 respondents, 87 indicated they attended two-year institutions. All two-year college students who responded attended a public institution. Since no set of two-year college students from Christian colleges existed in the data to compare with the two-year public college student set, only the 163 students who indicated they attended a fouryear institution were included in the study. The current study required students to classify the type of college they attended. The survey defined a Christian college for participants as an institution that discusses content from a Christian perspective in most classes and whose mission includes reference to the Christian faith. The survey defined a public college as a college with no religious affiliation which receives funding from a state government. A total of 74 students said they attended a public college, and 89 indicated they attended a Christian college.