Page 90 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

90 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY their career and not just in their current work situation or organization. A sample matrix was designed, for achieving theoretical saturation, as shown in Table 1. Data collection was through semi-structured, in-depth, one-on-one interviews. Formal, informed, and written consent was received from all participants. The participants were aware of the research topic, but they were not informed about the research questions before the interview. All participants gave verbal consent to recorded interviews. InqScribe was used for transcribing the interviews. Each interview lasted between 45 minutes to an hour and a half. The interview transcripts were analyzed using QSR International’s NVivo software for qualitative data analysis. Memoing, annotations, and coding were used for each interview. Nodes were created based on the interview questions. From these nodes, child nodes were created forming a hierarchical node structure. During the interview, it was observed that all four leaders were committed to high-minded values. All four leaders practiced forgiveness in the workplace. The leaders can be considered as tenderhearted seeking the welfare of their team members. It was evident that all the leaders, as Derrida observed,16 struggled within themselves as they were committed to high-minded values. None of the leaders felt that an offense was unforgivable. To maintain confidentiality in research, the participants were identified as I, Q, X, and Z. Further, the companies they were employed in were identified as A, B, and C. At the time of the study, participant I worked for an electronics company (A) with annual sales of 13 billion dollars. He graduated with an engineering degree and an MBA from a top-tier