Page 55 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

55 be problematic, as tensions are high, information is scarce, and the situation is both evolving and chaotic. Thus, it is imperative that the Christian leader remember that his/her first priority in a crisis is to steward the situation for God’s glory and the good of his/her people. The image of the leader as steward reminds Christian leaders that their leadership role is both a God-given gift as well as a sacred responsibility. It is not theirs to hold or lord over others; instead, it is a unique opportunity to serve others, shepherd followers, and steward God’s resources. God has placed the leader over a group of people, and the leader must view this role with humility, for the leader’s decisions affect the entire group, and not just himself/herself. Researchers in the field of crisis leadership continually note that egos run high in crisis situations as leaders who are not used to working well with others are suddenly put in positions where they have to coordinate with outside actors, governmental officials, and constituency groups.19 Yet this is something that a Christian leader must not fall victim to; instead, the image of the leader as steward reminds Christians that it is incumbent on them to have the mindset of Christ that Paul describes in Philippians 2:3-4: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” They are stewards of their positions for God’s glory and the good of His people, and thus they must see themselves as merely a channel for God to affect His purposes in the midst of even the tensest crisis situation. Jesus poignantly shared this image when he relayed a parable about a rich man and an unjust steward who had wasted his goods (Luke 16:1-13). Jesus shared with His disciples that they could not “serve two masters” (verse 13), and that they had to have a heart that was devoted solely to God. As stewards, they were to have a singular devotion to God and see their roles as a sacred honor from a righteous master. Such an image implies that the leader is not to act for his/her own benefit, but to look at what is in the best interests of both God’s agenda and the people being led. In many respects, this is much like the modern-day fiduciary duty that a trustee owes to the beneficiaries of a trust; the trustee must manage their money objectively and without self-interest, seeking to maximize their profits and provide for their best interest, not LEADING ONESELF AND OTHERS IN CRISIS SITUATIONS