Classes are offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
- BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology / BIOL 14L1 Principles of Biology Lab
- COMA 1302 Speech and Interpersonal Communication
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
- ENGL 1301 Composition and Rhetoric I
- ENGL 1302 Composition and Rhetoric II
- ENGL 2301 World Literature I
- ENGL 2302 World Literature II
- FINE 1306 Introduction to Fine Arts
- GEOL 1301 Physical Geology
- GEOL 1401 Meteorology and Space Science
- HIST 1301 US History to 1865
- HIST 1302 US History Since 1865
- HIST 2301 World Civilization I
- HIST 2302 World Civilization II
- KNES 1101 Fitness for Living
- MATH 1301 Math for Liberal Arts
- MATH 1303 College Algebra
- MATH 1307 Finite Math for Business Analysis
- MATH 2301 Elementary and Probability Statistics
- POLS 2301 American National Government
- PSYC 1301 Introduction to Psychology
- RELI 1301 Old Testament Survey
- RELI 1302 New Testament Survey
- SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology
- SPAN 1401 Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN 1402 Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 2301 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2302 Intermediate Spanish II
For more information about the individual courses, please visit the Undergraduate Course Descriptions page.
How do I get started?

An advisor will call you to walk you and your parent through:
- Get Advised
- Register for Classes
- Earn College Credit
For more information, contact: