Page 61 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

61 evoke a sense of disconcerting “shallow values.”7 Even though other researchers have defined the generation as “special” and “achieving,”8 it is largely due to the fact that most millennials were raised in an era of participation trophies, where parents lauded their children with praise and encouragement instead of criticism and punishment, and kids had greater consistent access to technology than ever before.9 Many even question millennial corporate loyalty and ethical consideration of work, especially given that millennials are more likely to place greater importance on personal hobbies and recreational activities than their work,10 and would even quit their careers if they were to inherit a large sum of money.11 Gen Z shares many characteristics with millennials, particularly where they relate to technology and self-idealizing tendencies. Through the use of technology, experience sharing, and instantaneous social media, Gen Z possesses the unique ability to craft and curate a top-down and polished self-identity that is entirely based on their own perception of what is attractive and attention-seeking in the eyes of followers.12 Since Gen Z has spent their entire lifetime in front of a screen,13 some sociologists have described the generation as maintaining an “absent presence” due to its obsessive reliance on technology, limited off-screen attention span, and diminished ability to relate face-to-face.14 GEN Z AND ALTRUISM Aside from the more self-serving and negative characteristics associated with the generation, Gen Z may have a unique perspective on altruism native to their experience and upbringing in a world filled with instability, chaos, social injustice, and economic disaster.15 Gen Z may be the most likely generation to participate in protests, speak up for the marginalized, and seek to make a difference in the world at-large.16 However, it is puzzling to rationalize the degree by which younger generations exist as both self-regarding and altruistic in the same sense. A recent study found that 26 % of Gen Z believe making a positive impact on the world is the most important factor to consider in choosing a career, and almost 90 % believe it is important for their careers to contribute towards social change.17 If members of Gen Z find careers that align with their personal values, they are more likely to enjoy their career, continue at the firm, and contribute more time and energy to their work. FORMATIVE ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS OF GENERATION Z