Page 40 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

40 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Recommendations for ministry with women older than 35 years of age include: 1. Design discipleship training that focuses on spiritual maturity as a priority. 2. Provide support for families, marriage, and parenting needs. 3. Provide opportunities for cross-generational involvement and mentoring. 4. Present Scripture through exegetical teaching in addition to topical formats. 5. Ensure activities are intentional in nature with a faith development focus. 6. Provide leadership training and opportunities for ministry leadership. Women’s ministry is changing as the millennial generation matures into positions of leadership. The significance of the current study is that it begins to address the issues of engaging and retaining young women in women’s ministry programs and ultimately in the church. Results from the current study confirm previous research showing women of the millennial and older generations share similar beliefs about the purpose of women’s ministry. Both discipleship training and a focus on marriage, home, and family were listed as the purpose of women’s ministry by both panels. However, the two panels did not agree on the most relevant means of structuring and implementing ministry with women with no shared top three items related to how ministry with women should be provided. The current study identified several factors that may impact the future direction of women’s ministry. Leadership opportunities and development for women, clarity for the vision and mission of the church, the rising numbers of unchurched and de-churched, previously taboo subjects, postmodernism and relative truth, and home life and family issues were identified as the most significant factors to impact women’s ministry over the next 20 to 25 years. Women’s ministry leaders need to be vigilant to watch for ongoing change in the church culture and be proactive in adapting to the changing needs of young women.