Page 36 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

36 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Round four obtained information on the priority of the items that reached consensus for the future of ministry with women. Participants ranked their top five items for each question for their specific panel. The final ranking was determined by a majority of responses at each ranking level. The non-millennial and millennial panels developed independent research parameters and rankings for the items they believed would influence the future of ministry with women. The responses for each survey question are listed in order of priority for the non-millennial panel in Tables 4, 5, and 6 and for the millennial panel in Tables 7, 8, and 9. Results of the current study indicate both the non-millennial and the millennial women value discipleship and ministry to the family. Less agreement was observed in how women’s ministry should be structured and factors that may impact women’s ministry over the next 20 to 25 years. The purpose of women’s ministry has historically been described as the encouraging, equipping, educating, evangelizing, and empowering of women to be disciples of Christ by other women,23 which is accomplished through reaching, nurturing, involving, engaging, and supporting women in the church.24 Results from the current study indicate these same attributes for the purpose of women’s ministry are still valued by women in both the millennial and non-millennial generations. Discipleship training was unanimously supported by both generational cohorts as being the primary purpose of women’s ministry closely followed by the need for relational ministries. When asked to describe the purpose of women’s ministry, both panels shared six items. Comparison of the six shared items to the traditional description of the purpose of women’s ministry indicates that discipleship training; support for family, marriage, and parenting; equipping women to serve; providing opportunities for evangelism; and providing opportunities for mentoring are included in the traditional women’s ministry purpose description. The only item not traditionally listed as a specific purpose of women’s ministry was