Page 29 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

29 ministry to one emphasizing external or missional values. Women’s ministry is becoming less about ministry to women in the churches and is starting to empower those same women to minister to the unchurched.5 Young women want to be invested in activities where they donate time and resources, and churches are beginning to acknowledge the changing culture and respond accordingly.6 Historically, women’s ministries were sporadic and restricted until the mid-twentieth century when both economic and technological advances allowed women more freedom to pursue personal interests.7 Early publications on women’s ministry became popular by providing women’s ministry leaders with resources for developing programs and guidance for serving within the local church.8 Most publications centered on showing how to develop a mission statement, enlist women to serve, and create events. Resources often included forms and signup sheets, example flyers, and brochures. The substance of teaching Scripture and transforming lives was frequently dismissed or left to the men of the church to address through Sunday sermons. Women’s ministry was largely viewed as an organization focused internally for the edification of women that attended the church.9 Younger generations have challenged the older supposition that women should not be equipped for significant service.10 They have voiced an opinion that the women of their generations should be involved in ministry and missions outside the church, tackle difficult theological issues, and focus less on events and more on life transformation. Millennial women desire ministry relationships with other women, through small groups, that are available to meet their varied schedules.11 Several women’s ministry leaders have suggested the need to investigate how women minister to women.12 Unfortunately, most of the information available is anecdotal coming in the form of blogs and magazine articles. Information on women’s ministry leadership is just as limited. Most of the research on women’s ministry leadership relates to mentoring and does not address other attributes of leading required for today’s ministries.13 THE FUTURE OF WOMEN’S MINISTRY IN THE 21ST CENTURY