Page 119 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

119 Jesus’ lesson of a shepherd leaving the ninety-nine and finding the one lost sheep (Matt. 18:12-14) is the foundation for the author’s fourth insight. Kingdom leaders set their agendas to prioritize those things that align with the heart of the Father. “Restoring and praying with offenders” is the fifth characteristic of a kingdom leader. Enlow applies Jesus’ teaching on reconciliation to the “intramural squabble among his disciples” (Matt. 18:1520). Enlow calls the reader again to read this passage as “a continuation of Jesus’ lengthy discourse on greatness" and claims the passage “cannot be properly understood in isolation from its larger context” (103). Finally, Enlow interprets Jesus’ story about the unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:23-35) to address Peter’s “running for office” by asking and answering his question regarding forgiveness. The author concludes, “A great person must be, above all, a grateful person” (115). While Enlow offers helpful insights in Jesus’ reframing of greatness in His kingdom from Matthew 18 and parallel passages, his interpretation may be perceived as a bit forced exegetically in order to apply Jesus’ teachings to the topic of greatness. The six “P’s” for the last six chapter titles fit into some preaching traditions but also seem contrived to fit the pattern rather than the textual topics. The 129-page book is easy to read with many quotables and lessons that truly aid a leader to discover Jesus’ unique take on greatness. Enlow bases his insights on the biblical text and applies his findings in practical, useful ways. The “Questions for Personal and Group Reflection” and “In a Nutshell” summaries help at the end of each chapter to provide further guidance for teaching and reflection. This book is recommended for its call for leaders to heed Jesus’ teachings about greatness and the continued relevance of those teachings to their daily leadership contexts. The author’s overall insights and applications are valid for all Kingdom servant leaders. Dr. Gene Wilkes is President and Professor of New Testament and Leadership at B. H. Carroll Theological Institute. BOOK REVIEWS