Page 102 | Volume 1 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

102 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY and overcome blind spots, so they are better able to build a culture that fosters the success of the organization.37 High self-awareness aggregated among team members has been demonstrated to create more topperforming teams.38 Self-awareness develops in leaders along a continuum, often bringing into focus the personhood of the leader, which if understood by him or her, results in development as decisions are anchored in a better understanding of oneself and his or her view of the world.39 For leaders, self-awareness is a necessary condition for effective leadership and should be an intentional focus.40 The case for self-awareness becomes increasingly more evident by the research, which offers effective methods and tools helpful for gaining self-awareness. Tools can be useful to the quest, with some of the most effective being the 360-degree evaluation,41 and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.42 McNaughton offered three elements helpful to gaining awareness: prolonged engagement with authentic activities, critical thinking that produces self-assessment, and bodily awareness, which underpins motivation toward self-awareness.43 Bergin reported engagement as a finding, indicating the entire person must be engaged for self-awareness to take place, including “their reflections and actions,” as well as engaging new knowledge and alternative perspectives.44 Other authors argued for effective methods including self-appraisal with introspection,45 humility,46 an intentional posture of teachability,47 meditation and journaling,48 social milieu,49 and multi-source feedback.50 Engagement,51 learning,52 and humility53 offer the most significant insights and will serve as building blocks toward a general theory of self-awareness in the current study. Application of these activities has demonstrated considerable success in self-awareness development research; however, the complication of applying all these methods makes achieving self-awareness difficult. If these methods could be distilled into some basic factors, it could make them more accessible to leaders, which defines the purpose of the current article.