Page 54 - Volume 7 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research

52 Mariah Lynn Bailey, EdD Figure 1 Summary of Interview Findings Note. The figure shows the summary of interview findings upon completion of the data analysis of the stakeholder questionnaire. RQ 1 Actions •The school district leaders have to be aware of the perceptions being developed, seek feedback, and adjust decisions as necessary to effectively move a fast growth school district forward. RQ 2 Expectations •Stakeholders expect to be heard, have an opportunity to provide input, and expect transparent communication from district leaders. RQ 3 Communication •Social media and communication play a critical role in the development of stakeholder perceptions of fast growth school districts. •Fast-growth school districts need to have multple avenues for communication output and input. RQ 4 Decisions •Fast growth school districts have to make decisions related to change. •District leaders understand that stakeholders will form perceptions about the district around their opinons about those decisions. Figure 1 Summary of Interview Findings