Page 18 | DBU Report Spring 2023

DBU REPORT 18 DR. ELIJAH BROWN OF THE BAPTIST WORLD ALLIANCE VISITS UNIVERSITY HILL DBU HOSTS 8TH ANNUAL LION’S DEN DFW CONFERENCE Dallas Baptist University was honored to recently host Dr. Elijah Brown, General Secretary and CEO of the Baptist World Alliance, to speak in chapel, address faculty and staff members at their luncheon, and deliver the inaugural Lecture Series on Baptist Distinctives in the DBU Center for Baptist History and Heritage. In his address during the Chapel service, Dr. Brown gave a brief history of the recent accomplishments of the Baptist church around the world, encouraging students to boldly use their platforms to share the message of the gospel. “God uses challenges,” Dr. Brown explained. “Whatever challenges you face in your life, whatever setbacks, defeats, and disappointments you’ve known in your life, God can use these to become a catalyst for even greater growth.” Dr. Brown then urged students to give the Lord their “yes,” even when faced with opposition and hardship. After speaking at the faculty/staff luncheon, many Texas Baptist leaders joined together that evening in the Center for Baptist History and Heritage for the inaugural Baptist Distinctives Lecture. Dr. Brown shared about his journey to Ukraine, Romania, Poland, and Moldova in February of 2022 and the work of the Baptist church in the area during these tumultuous times. He charged attendees to pursue peace over violence and act with “Kingdom Courage,” just as believers in these countries have over the past several years. Over the past eight years, the Lion’s Den DFW has welcomed Kingdomminded entrepreneurs to share their business ventures, network with well-established professionals as well as other innovators of emerging companies, and compete in a pitchstyle competition and conference. With the tagline this year of “Where Innovation Meets Kingdom Impact,” DBU was excited again to host this event that develops leaders and brings Christ-centered mission and business strategy together. The Lion’s Den DFW 2023 kicked off on Wednesday with its Third Annual Diversity Den in the Hillcrest Great Hall, hosting various information sessions and a luncheon for entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds that center on growing and sustaining young businesses. The main event on Thursday in Pilgrim Chapel featured six unique breakouts taught by an esteemed group of individuals and panelists with extensive experience in the field of business. Following these breakouts, the conference joined back together for the networking luncheon and keynote. In the afternoon, the long-awaited annual pitch competition began and welcomed DBU’s own Sandra Crawford Williamson, Assistant Professor of Management, as the event’s emcee. This year’s competition included nine groups who presented their innovative ideas. “Because of our partnership with the Lion’s Den DFW, DBU is becoming known as a trusted leader in preparing business students to faithfully and effectively live out their call as servant-leaders in the marketplace.” Dr. Ross O’Brien, DBU Professor of Entrepreneurship