Page 29 | DBU Report Fall 2021

FALL 2021 29 BOOK SIGNING WITH DR. PHILIP MITCHELL Dr. Philip Mitchell has been a part of the DBU Family for over 20 years, leading with excellence in scholarship and instruction throughout his time spent here. Currently, Dr. Mitchell serves as the Director of the Honors Program and as an Associate Professor of English. On September 30, the DBU Family celebrated a book signing with Dr. Mitchell for the release of his new book, The Shared Witness of C.S. Lewis and Austin Farrer. The Shared Witness of C.S. Lewis and Austin Farrer magnifies the character of Christ through the analysis of the works of beloved apologist and novelist C.S. Lewis and the lesser known philosophical theologian and college priest Austin Farrer. The duo spurred one another on throughout their friendship as they “sought to defend a metaphysically thick universe in contrast to the increasingly secular culture all about them,” says Dr. Mitchell. “When I came to DBU, I knew that eventually I would be trying to publish articles and write books,” says Dr. Mitchell. “Happily, the Honors Program Director is expected to do that!” A true labor of love, written and composed over the past four years, Dr. Mitchell’s book is the result of hours of studying, interpreting, comparing, contrasting, and composing. “I want to give appreciation to the scholarship demonstrated in this work,” shared DBU President Dr. Adam C. Wright at the book signing event. “Dr. Mitchell has composed an intriguing and truly educational book analyzing the commonalities and distinctions of Lewis and Farrer’s Christian witness.” Dr. Mitchell holds a Bachelor of Arts from DBU, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. from Baylor University. Dr. Mitchell’s new book is available to order through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. DBU alumnus, Christina (C. J.) Searsy, and Dr. Philip Mitchell with his wife, Kristen Mitchell