Page 34 | DBU Report Fall 2021 Special Edition

DBU REPORT I 2016-2021 OVERVIEW 34 Great is Thy Faithfulness I can hardly wait to see what the next five years will bring! Through the faithfulness of God, He has used a mighty army we call the DBU Family to bring about continued transformation on University Hill! The sun never sets on the work God is doing through our beloved global Christian university. When I began my tenure as President, I knew I was standing on the shoulders of giants, men and women who had given so much to make DBU what it is today. Among those is Dr. Gary Cook, former President for 28 years at DBU and current DBU Chancellor. He has been a friend and mentor, and I know that because of his leadership, the stage was set for us to enjoy the success we see today. There are so many others to thank for the amazing past five years of growth, transformation, innovation, and resiliency, but above all, we praise the Lord! Our hearts echo the Psalmist’s cry, “Not to us, O Lord, but to your name be the glory!” Time and again, God has demonstrated His faithfulness on University Hill as we remain committed to what is a very rare vision in higher education today: “to build a great university that is pleasing to God by producing Christ-centered servant leaders who are transforming the world.” The trials and triumphs over the past five years have presented new opportunities of delivering hope, help, and healing to a hurting world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. As many of you may know, I grew up in a musical family. My dad served in the local church as an education and music minister, and I learned how to play the piano and even sang in the choir. This musical connection has stayed with me through the years. Often in my study while I am preparing for the day, I will play music to help calm and collect my thoughts, and one of the classic hymns I always turn to is “Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Thomas Chisolm. Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! What a wonderful reminder that each day, the Lord is faithful to provide us with exactly what we need. God is never surprised by what comes our way. Indeed, He is ready and able to provide the strength, courage, and wisdom to guide our steps. As we look ahead to the future, join me in keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ! Adam C. Wright, Ph.D. | DBU President Gittings